Within the business society today skills and attributes which employees have help to build up the business as a whole. employers look to find different ways to make their business bigger and better and a way to do this is to employ people who have skills and attributes in which the business needs and requires. There are many different skills and attitudes in which employees could have although it is unlikely that they would have them all. Employees normally earn skills and attitudes by carrying out tasks such as powerpoints, and then looking back on that to see what improvements should be made. Below are a number of skills and attributes which have been described to show why employers look to employ certain people within them. these skills and attributes are based on three sections, specific attributes, general attributes and attitudes.Specific attributes are the skills neccessary to carry out the job, and the knowledge of the good working environment in which the employee is expected to carry out, general attributes are skills in which the business requires to carry out the job to some extent and attitudes are skills in which can be learnt.
1 Communication Skills:

IT skills are important within many businesses as there is an increase of computer software technologies and are seen to be one of the most important skills within a business in society today. Employers aim to employ someone of high IT skills if the employee will be mainly working with a computer. IT skills consist of the use of working a computer to a high standard and being able to use the software packages available to carry out everyday work. For example being able to type up a word document quickly and efficiently is also important as employers may need employees to send letters, or e-mails to customers, suppliers or other businesses and to ensure grammar and punctuation is correct as this gives the business a good name. As the use of IT increases employee’s will have to be trained to use the software packages correctly and to a high standard.
Team working is important within businesses as in many team situation there is a leader, and other members of the team has different roles, therefore each team member should know what role they are within the team. Employers normally do team working exercises to establish team building therefore resulting in a friendly workforce as they are able to work together with no disputes this could be due to a difference of opinion or different personalities, for example in an advertising company members of a team could have a different opinion to what a new design of a poster was to look like, this is why team working activities are put in place, to get team members to gain trust and coordination with other team members.
When employers read an employees application forms, CVs and covering letters they are not just looking for what employees have to say about themselves or their skills and experience but also at how they say it. For example writing skills are very important because if an employee sends an email which is badly written or misspellings and incomplete sentences, along with paragraphs which are so long and confusing that it takes would take the reader a while to understand, this is form of bad writing skills which the employer will not want within his or her business.
Interpersonal skills are used when employees communicate with others and have the confidence to do so, Interpersonal skills also include employees being able to listen and understand what other work members, the boss, or customers are saying to them. Employee’s that have strong interpersonal skills are often more successful, this is professionally and in their personal lives. To gain interpersonal skills employees should Learn from there interactions. For example If an employee had a really good conversation with someone they would try and think why it went well and remember the key points for next time. If it didn’t go so well they should try again and learn something from it.
Independence is very important for employees within a workforce, as employers expect them to carry out the job required without needing help by other members of the workforce. Employers will expect employees to be capable of working alone and in a team, being able to work independently will show the employer the employees capability and confidence to undertake tasks single handily. Independence will also show the employer how trustworthy and reliable that employee is. Independence is a big part in businesses as having capable employees show the business is organised and of a high standard.For example if the employer gives an employee a task they should be able to undertake it without any hesitation or problems and also without asking the employer what to do.
2 Self Motivation
Doing repetitive tasks within businesses can become dull and boring, this is why employees should be able to self motivate themselves to undertake the job role being given to the best of their abilities. For example self motivation pushes employees to reach higher, and set themselves targets and aims to reach within a given time period, this will improve their overall job performance.
3 ConfidenceWithin business employee’s are expected to have some form of confidence, when a business has employee’s which have high confidence level this then gives the business a strong image. A confident employee will be able to speak clearly to customers and put different points across when required. An employer isn’t going to want to employ someone who is afraid to comment or give opinions. Confidence enables someone to do their job to the best of their ability and carry out the job tasks required. For example if an employer gives an employee the task of presenting a presentation the employee should beable to present it clearly and positively to the audience, without the form of nerves or hesitation.
4 Leadership
A leader within a business organization should have a vision for the job that he/she is managing. It is important to have the right kind of vision for this as they are in charge of holding together the various aspects of the job. A misplaced vision will not only lead the employees astray but also ruin the business. The employer should inspire and motivate the employees to work towards a common goal. Leadership qualities are not something you are born with and therefore needs to be acquired if you are an aspiring business person. For example if an employer was to set up a group working activity an employee from that team will have to take charge and become the leader, this could cause problems with other employees within the group due to jealousy, although a leader is required to stop arguements and disagreements, and is put in place to take charge.
5 Problem Solving/decision making
Problem solving and decision-making are important skills for business and life. Problem-solving often involves decision-making, and decision-making is especially important for management and leadership. Problem-solving and decision-making are closely linked, and each requires creativity in identifying and developing options. For group problem-solving and decision-making workshops help. For example if there was a mix up with invoices from another business, the employee will have to beable to fix this problem without having to go to the employer or asking another employee. The employee should beable to fix the problem to the best of his/ her ability.
A very helpful page
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