Sunday 15 January 2012

Glossary of Technical Terms and FAQs


Attributes: To consider as a quality or characteristic of the person

Barriers: Barriers can threat an important discussion, debate or conversation, or even work being completed. This could be due to noise or other distractions.

Blog: Blog is the abbreviation for Web log. A blog represents the opinions or thoughts of the website's author, who updates it regularly for viewing by the general public.

Closed question: Are expressed in such a way that the options for a reply are limited, perhaps only to ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Communication: Communication is the pathway to build a strong relationship between employers and employees

Effective Communication: Effective communication is the pathway to build a strong relationship between employers and employees but unfortunately it's so often overlooked.

Email: (Electronic Mail) - Messages sent from one person to another via the Internet. Email can also be sent to a large number of addresses at once through a Mailing List.

Interpersonal skills: Interpersonal skills are sometimes also referred to as people skills or communication skills. Interpersonal skills involve using skills such as active listening and tone of voice, this include delegation and leadership. It is how well you communicate with someone and how well you behave or carry yourself.

Mechanisms: this will enable the barriers to decrease and enable tasks to be carried out without any form of disturbance.

Open question: Is an invitation to the other person to pick up the conversation and take control. For example, if you ask ‘How are you today?’ there are a multitude of possible responses

Quality: Quality is the ongoing process of building and sustaining relationships by assessing, anticipating, and fulfilling stated and implied needs.

Frequently asked Questions:

1. What attributes do employers look for in employees?

Self Motivation
Problem Solving/decision making

2. What skills do employers look for in employees?

Interpersonal Skills
Written Skills
Team Working
IT Skills
Communication Skills

3. Why is effective communication important?

Effective communication is the pathway to build a strong relationship between employers and employees but unfortunately it's so often overlooked. There are three important basic principles of effective communication are:
  1. Attention
  2. Interest
  3. Action
4. Why is finding mechanisms important to stop barriers?

Mechanisms are an important factor to be put in place as it will then allow employees, presentations and the overall working environment run more slowly, and barriers slow doing the work being carried out for a number of reasons.

5. Why is body language so important when giving a presentation?

If the presenter wants to make a good impression to who he/she is presenting to then body language is very important. It is important to stand correctly, move, dress and interact correctly so the people listening to the presentation will take it seriously.

6. Why is language such as informal and formal so important when giving a presentation?

Being  formal would attract the older generation,  as they will listen to a presentation without getting distracted as easy, if the presentation is of importance then giving the right impression is needed, therefore being formal is necessary.
Although being informal would be for the younger generation, for example giving them a presentation which they can be included in, or talking slang to them.

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